I watched a documentary on the Iron Man years ago. The average time it takes to complete this mother of marathons is 15-16 hours or at least that is what google told me. It's totally amazing that people out there have the stamina, will power and quite frankly the desire to conquer such a feet. I particularly remember footage of a woman just steps away from the finish line- with every stride her legs were buckling beneath her and at the very end she could barely stammer forward. So she army-crawled until she crossed over the finish line. I was amazed and mildly traumatized at the sight.
I just finished my B.B.A from Eastern Michigan and after six years it was starting to feel like the scholastic Iron Man- especially this last semester. I really was starting to identify with that woman who barely crawled across the finish line- but I finished what I started no matter how hard, long, or discouraging it became... I finished. Oh how sweet this satisfaction feels!
A special thanks to all those who lined the path to the finish line and cheered me on ... I could not have done it without you.
And now I need about a week of sleep to recover.
Yea!! CONGRATULATIONS!! I love and admire you for all you are now and what you want to be in the future.